
Real Card Genre GSN Grand Casino: Slots Games Hack Free Patch





GSN Grand VIPs! We've got another update for GSN Grand. Sale Stack of Chips S. Casino. language English. Audience score 1961 review. 3,9 of 5. notice I just down downloaded the app again the other day since I see there have been some bug fixes. It seems to be working much better so I have upped my rating to three stars from one. I will play it for awhile and see if it remains stable and review again then. ----Old review from May 2016: This app seemed to work pretty well for awhile and now it doesn't work at all. I have occasionally spent $1.99 to purchase chips and after the last time, the app refuses to stay open. Since its been almost a month since the last update and there are many other reviews that indicate the same issues, I think it's time to delete the app and warn others against downloading it. As a developer myself, I hate to be critical of other developers but this is pretty disappointing. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted I guess.


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